Membership of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia/International Conjoint Fellowship of the Royal
Australian College of General Practitioners (MAFP/icFRACGP)
Peneraju Spesialis programme aims to increase the number of Bumiputera specialists in the healthcare sector. Financial assistance is offered to Bumiputeras who are currently pursuing specialist qualifications through a Parallel Pathway programme that is recognised by the National Specialist Register (NSR). The study must be held in Malaysia only.
1. What is the programme about? What does it aim to achieve?
Initiated by Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera (“Yayasan Peneraju”), this programme aims to increase the access to funding for Bumiputeras to become competent healthcare specialists.
2. Who is eligible for this programme?
Open to candidates applying from ATFM Year 1/Year 2/Conjoint Part 1/ Part 2 with the following backgrounds:
Programme Specific Eligibility Requirements
• For ATFM Candidates:
(i) Currently enrolled in the ATFM programme or received approval to join the ATFM programme.
• For Part I Candidates:
(i) Have completed the ATFM programme and have passed the Eligibility Examination to sit for the Part 1 Examination; AND
(ii) Have at least four (4) years of general practice/primary care experience or its fully recognized equivalent within the last five years.
• For Part II Candidates:
(i) Have passed the Part 1 Examination; AND
(ii) Have at least four (4) years of general practice/primary care experience or its fully recognized equivalent within the last five years.
• Candidates will need to be in the general practice/primary care area throughout the ATFM Programme until the passing of the Part II MAFP/icFRACGP Examination.
3. Who should pursue this programme?
This sponsorship programme is offered to the candidates who are looking for financial assistance to pursue specialization in family medicine. Fresh ATFM candidates (recently approved for admission) or current ATFM candidates are welcome to apply.
Hence, newly enrolled candidates, candidates who are currently in second year of their ATFM programme or even candidates who have passed their Eligibility Exams can apply for this funding programme.
4. What are the benefits of this programme and how is it different from other programmes?
The Peneraju Spesialis funding programme provides alternative financial assistance of up to RM70,000* to eligible the Bumiputera candidates pursuing medical specializations through Parallel Pathway programmes.
The assistance will be provided on a reimbursement basis upon successful passing of every part/examination, with one-off RM1,500 assistance as a start upon enrolment confirmation into this sponsorship programme.
*Yayasan Peneraju has the right to change the maximum limit that has been declared
5. How long is the programme?
The programme’s duration will be for a maximum of 5 years upon the commencement of the funding contract with Yayasan Peneraju. The exact contract term will depend on the admission level during entry into the funding programme.
Scholars will need to complete their studies within the specified contract duration of the sponsorship.
1. What is the funding model* of this programme?
One-off RM1,500 advance assistance will be provided to the scholars upon confirmation of enrolment into this funding programme.
The funding will cover the following:
ATFM Programme Fees will be paid upfront by Yayasan Peneraju directly to AFPM. For candidates who have already made such payments to AFPM before enrolment into this funding programme, they can claim for the amount already spent for the current level they are in.
Yayasan Peneraju will only fund the above items for the current module the candidate is undertaking and onwards upon conferment of the Peneraju Spesialis programme enrolment. Any past modules taken prior to the enrolment are not claimable.
Most of the costs involved for the MAFP/icFRACGP programme will be funded on a reimbursement basis where scholars will fund the costs associated with their certification upfront and will be reimbursed upon passing each examination.
Claim windows will be opened once every quarter of the year.
However, the membership cost payable to RACGP will be reimbursed after payments are made by scholars (there is no need for scholars to wait for them to pass their examination before making the claim for reimbursement).
Membership costs payable to AFPM can be claimed after passing of the MAFP/icFRACGP Part II exam.
* Yayasan Peneraju has the right to change any sponsorship terms and conditions that have been declared.
As the sponsorship is provided on a reimbursement basis where scholars will be funding the costs associated with the certification upfront, we strongly recommend candidates to study the costs involved in the certification process e.g., tuition fees, exam registration fees, etc.
2. What are the required commitments of the sponsorship?
Candidates are required to pass all the examinations and complete the sponsored Spesialis programme within the stipulated contract duration aside from adhering to the terms and conditions set out in the Scholars Agreement.
Withdrawal or termination from the Spesialis programme shall constitute a breach of contract. Candidates are not allowed to change programme/specialization without the consent of Yayasan Peneraju.
3. What are the consequences I would face if I breach the contract?
Candidates are required to pay all costs incurred by Yayasan Peneraju on their behalf. The amount will be calculated by Yayasan Peneraju up to the point of termination/withdrawal.
4. Is there any repayment upon the completion of the programme?
No. Unless a candidate breaches the contract or is not able to complete the programme within the stipulated contract duration.
The candidates who have completed the specialization programme are encouraged to practice their specialization in Malaysia.
5. If I have received another sponsorship from Yayasan Peneraju, am I still eligible to receive this sponsorship?
If you are a current/past recipient of any other Peneraju Professional sponsorship programme, you are not eligible to apply for this medical specialization sponsorship programme.
Recipients of Peneraju Tunas Potensi and Peneraju High Impact Programme (HIP) sponsorships however, are still eligible to apply for this programme.
For any queries in relation to this matter, please contact the Programme Manager.
6. If I receive another loan/scholarship, am I still eligible to receive Yayasan Peneraju’s sponsorship?
Peneraju Spesialis programme may fund scholars who receive other financial assistance provided that it is not a full sponsorship grant and is not meant for the same certification/qualification programme.
Candidates must declare their status to Yayasan Peneraju in their application. Candidates are responsible to confirm with their existing provider if any issue were to surface should they undertake additional funding under this scheme.
If requested, successful candidates receiving other partial sponsorship may be required to provide a consent letter from the other sponsorship body together with the details of the sponsorship coverage to Yayasan Peneraju.
7. What is the process of reimbursement?
Candidates will need to fill up claim forms and submit them to the Programme Manager with proof of payments and exam results to process the reimbursement (Subject to current applicable Terms and Conditions (Section B (1) – Sponsorship).
1. How do I apply for this programme?
You can apply through Yayasan Peneraju’s website (https://yayasanpeneraju.com.my/program/peneraju-spesialis/) or any other official link announced when the application opens. Please follow Yayasan Peneraju’s social media accounts i.e., Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the latest announcements.
2. If I am in the final year of GCFM programme, can I apply this sponsorship programme?
No. You must have completed the GCFM programme and are currently enrolled or received approval to join the ATFM programme to apply.
3. If I am in the final year of the ATFM programme, can I apply for the sponsorship programme?
Yes. Please refer to Item 2 of Part A for further details on the eligibility criteria for this funding programme.
4. What should I expect after applying for the programme?
If your application is shortlisted, you will be contacted by Yayasan Peneraju’s appointed Programme Manager to submit relevant application documents. Only full and complete applications will be further processed, subject to meeting the set programme’s requirement. Screened and successful candidates will be notified for assessment. (Refer to Section D).
The decision made by Yayasan Peneraju in relation to an application is final and non-negotiable. Yayasan Peneraju reserves the right to accept or reject any application which is deemed fit/unfit for the programme, without disclosing the reasons for its decisions.
5. Am I able to apply through any third party?
No. The funding application must be through Yayasan Peneraju.
1. Is there any assessment in the selection process?
Eligible candidates who meet the application requirements will undergo assessment/interview session by Yayasan Peneraju to be shortlisted for the sponsorship.
2. If I pass the assessment, how will I be notified?
Those who pass the assessment will be notified primarily via email.
1. Am I required to commit to any kind of official contract/agreement?
Yes. An official offer will be issued to notify that you are being shortlisted and candidates are required to enter into an agreement with Yayasan Peneraju i.e., Scholars Agreement.
2. Would I be able to reject the offer if I am shortlisted?
Yes. The Scholars Agreement is only binding after it has been signed and delivered to Yayasan Peneraju within a specified period of time. Failure to return the agreement on time will cause the offer to be null and void.
For more information, please contact Efficient Frontier Consulting (Programme Manager) at:
Telephone number: +603 8080 8646 (Monday - Friday, 9.00a.m. to 5.00p.m.)
General Eligibility Requirements
Malaysian Bumiputera;
Aged 45 years old and below on application closing date;
Not currently pursuing any form of further education with full sponsorship (Example: HLP);
Has completed housemanship (i.e., full registration with MMC);
Have passed the GCFM Programme with Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (“AFPM”) or any other postgraduate medical qualification that is approved in writing by the Faculty of Education of AFPM;
Have enrolled or received approval to join the Advanced Training in Family Medicine (“ATFM”) programme with AFPM; AND
Meet the qualifications and requirements set by AFPM and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (“RACGP”).
(Medical practitioners who have permanent employment status with Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (“KKM”); OR
Medical practitioners working in university hospitals (including private university hospitals); OR
Medical practitioners working in non-KKM clinics/hospitals (e.g., MINDEF facilities, DBKL clinics, authorized refugee clinics); OR
Private general practitioners (GP) working in private clinics; OR
Medical practitioners working in private institutions or hospitals that meet all requirements from AFPM and NSR.
Tuition/preparatory course fees and study material costs (Reimbursement basis, subject to applicable maximum cap).
Examination fees (100% reimbursement).(iii) ATFM Programme Fees (Covered at 100% and paid upfront by Yayasan Peneraju to AFPM).(iv) Professional membership fee (Reimbursement basis, subject to applicable maximum cap).
Failed examination attempts (50% reimbursement upon passing. Scholars are entitled to a maximum of 2 resit attempts throughout contract tenure. Further resit attempts will have to be self-funded by scholars)