MOH Supervised Post
Qualification Work Experience Posting
Prior to 2019, successful candidates who did not go through the MOH gazettement process, i.e. working in the private sector, would apply for credentialing via NSR for Family Medicine. In 2019 Malaysian Medical Council gave the mandate to AFPM to take over this process from NSR for these candidates. After several discussions with MOH (BPKK), the credentialing process under AFPM commenced in 2020. In 2022, following MMC advice, this process is now referred to as MOH Supervised Post Qualification Work Experience Posting.
This is a period of supervised work at a government health clinic ie Klinik Kesihatan, that a candidate who has successfully passed his/her Professional Examination and Training in the field of Family Medicine under the Parallel Pathways (non-MOH candidates) need to undergo before applying for registration as a Specialist in Family Medicine under the National Specialist Registry (NSR). The candidate gets to choose the Klinik Kesihatan and its respective Family Medicine Specialist Supervisor from the list given.
MOH candidates planning to leave MOH may opt to apply for this process with AFPM instead of doing the MOH gazettement. If, however, they change their mind about resigning from MOH after successfully being registered under NSR, they will still need to complete the MOH gazettement as per MOH regulation.
The duration determined by NSR for private practising general practitioners is ONE (1) full day per week for ONE (1) year ie a total of 52 days. A full day is equivalent to an eight-hour session.
A candidate may choose to do more frequently and finish earlier than over the one-year duration. Subject to satisfactory completion and endorsement by AFPM, the candidate may then submit their application to NSR for registration as a Family Medicine Specialist. However, NSR will only vet and approve the application after the duration of one year is completed from the date of commencement of their posting.
For academic or clinical (service MOs) candidates from universities, please refer to your own University gazettement committee for the gazettement process. AFPM does not undertake this process.
The candidate may apply to AFPM once he/she has evidence of successful passing of their specialist training and examination, for example, examination result letters.
[Award certificates will be needed as proof only when the candidate applies to NSR as per NSR requirement, e.g. BOTH MAFP and FRACGP/icFRACGP certificates are required currently for NSR registration]
Please download the application form below (item number 1).

The processing fee is RM300.00 (THREE HUNDRED RINGGIT MALAYSIA).
This fee is waived for all LIFE MEMBERS of AFPM.
Payment can be made to:
Bank Name: AmBank
Account Number: 001-201-010182-0
Account Name: Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Kindly email bank-in slip to: accounts@afpm.org.my
The processing fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Proof of payment is to be provided with the application form.
Following MOH directive, candidates will need to pay the sum of RM2000.00 (TWO THOUSAND RINGGIT MALAYSIA) to use MOH facilities for the 1-year equivalent (i.e. 52 days) period of posting.
Payment will be made in full by cash to the Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah that the Klinik Kesihatan is under the jurisdiction of before posting can commence. [Online payment will be set up in due time by MOH]. There will be no refund for this fee once the posting has commenced.
Under the circumstances that a candidate has already paid in full and then needs to transfer his/her posting to another supervisor/Klinik Kesihatan, the candidate will not need to make any further payment. The candidate will need to write to AFPM, and new arrangements will be made.
If a candidate has been reported as not meeting the satisfactory level of competency or professionalism during this supervised post-qualification work experience period, the candidate will be required to extend his/her posting by THREE (3) months. For every three months of extension, a candidate will need to pay MOH an additional amount of RM500.00 (FIVE HUNDRED RINGGIT MALAYSIA).
Candidate will need to submit to AFPM the following:
Check List:
Application form
Certified true copy of IC
Certified true copy of award certificate(s) if available, or copies of results letters
Certified true copy of Valid Annual Practicing Certificate (APC)
Payment proof of application fee of RM300.00 except for those who are life members of AFPM.
Signed supervisor agreement form
Note: The candidate is responsible for contacting the preferred Supervisor and getting his/her agreement for the posting using the agreement form ( item number 2) below. Please download the latest list of FMS Supervisors below. (item number 3)
Once AFPM has received and processed the application form, the candidate MUST then wait for an official letter from MOH before reporting to the respective PKD and Klinik Kesihatan to start their posting.
LOGBOOK: Each candidate is responsible for downloading and printing their own logbook, the soft copy is available below (item number 4). The candidate will need to fulfil all mandatory requirements in the logbook during their posting.
SUPERVISOR: The supervisor will need to submit preceptorship reports every 4 months. It is the responsibility of the candidate to download the form in the logbook (Appendix 1)and get the supervisor to complete and email it to Mr. Muhammad Zulkhalid Md Isa (mzul@afpm.org.my) in the 4th and 8th months of the posting period. A final report will be submitted with the logbook once the candidate is deemed satisfactorily competent and has completed the work experience period.
Once a candidate has completed his/her supervised work experience posting, the candidate needs to submit the logbook (softcopy) to AFPM, attention to the “AFPM Credentialing Committee”. Any incomplete logbook will not be vetted.
The credentialing committee will vet applications/logbooks every 4 months (March, June, September & December).
The candidate will be given a “Certificate of Successful Completion of MOH Supervised Post Qualification Work Experience Posting” upon successful completion of posting and at the end of the specified term i.e. (12 months). The candidate may then submit this certificate to NSR together with his/her NSR registration form.
Flow Chart MOH Supervised Post Qualification Work Experience Posting

"Credentialing is a formal process to verify the qualifications, training and supervision with experience, professional standing and other relevant professional..."
- Dr Husna Hanin Abdul Rahim, Credentialing Chairperson
For further enquiries on the supervised post qualification work experience posting, please contact:
Mr. Muhammad Zulkhalid Md. Isa
Email: mzul@afpm.org.my
Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Unit 3.11, Level 3, Medical Academies Malaysia Building
No.5, Jalan P8H, Presint 8,
62250, W.P Putrajaya
Phone Number:
+603 8861 5511/ +603 8861 5335/ +603 8861 6151